Arizona Notary Acknowledgment Form

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An Arizona notary acknowledgment is a form that verifies the signature of an individual through identity confirmation by a notary public. The notarial officer taking the acknowledgment will need to identify the individual either personally, through confirmation by another individual, or by inspecting pieces of photo identification. The acknowledgment is then attached to the legal document that was signed by the individual.

The position of a notary public is applied for through the Secretary of State’s office and is valid for a period of four years (§ 41-269(E)).

Is Online Notarization Legal in Arizona?

Yes, on June 30, 2022, Senate Bill 1115 was passed making it legal for a notarial officer to acknowledge signatures remotely using communication technology. The officer is required to adhere to the parameters set forth in ARS § 41-263 and Admin. Code § R2-12-1306.

Furthermore, online notarizations must be recorded in an electronic journal, and each entry must include the following information: