BSNL Landline Address Change Request Letter Format

Sample Filled

To change your BSNL landline address you need to submit an application form to your concerned BSNL office, along with that application sometimes you need to write a request letter to shift your BSNL landline connection to the new address.

You can get the BSNL address change form at your local BSNL office (or) you can download it from the link below.

BSNL landline address change form

Here is a sample request letter format to change your BSNL landline address. (You can use any one of these letters)

BSNL Landline Address Change Letter Format 1

The BSNL office,

Address of the BSNL office.

Sub: Landline address change request.

My name is ____________(your name), customer of BSNL landline services, my telephone number is _________ (your BSNL telephone number). At preset the telephone is working at present address _______________________________________________________________________. (your present address).

But I want to shift my BSNL landline connection to a new address. So I am requesting you to kindly shift my BSNL landline to the following address ________________________________________________________________________(New address to where you want to shift BSNL landline connection).

I shall be grateful to you in this regard.

BSNL Landline Address Change Format 2

The BSNL Office,

Address of the BSNL office.

Sub: BSNL landline shift to a new address.

I am ___________(your name), customer of BSNL of landline services for __ years with landline number ___________. The connection is working at the following address _________________________________________________ (present address).

But I want shit my BSNL landline connection to the new address, so here I would like to request you to please shift our BSNL landline to the new address of _________________________________________________________ (new address).

My telephone number is associated with my business so I request you to please shift my landline connection on an urgent basis.

And please find the attached copies of my address proof along with this letter.

Thanks in advance.


How many days will it take to shift my BSNL landline connection to a new address?

It will take 2-3 days to change the BSNL landline connection to a new address.

Will I get the same facilities if I shift my BSNL landline connection?

Yes, you will be provided with the same facilities for which you have subscribed.

How much will it cost to shift the BSNL landline connection?

It will cost around 300 Rs to shift your BSNL landline connection to a new location.

To whom should I submit the BSNL landline address change letter?

You should submit the request letter to your concerned BSNL office at which your present BSNL landline is working.

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