Health coverage exemptions: Forms & how to apply

You no longer pay a tax penalty (fee) for not having health coverage. If you don’t have coverage, you don't need an exemption to avoid paying a penalty at tax time.

You need an exemption if you’re 30 or older and want to enroll in a "Catastrophic" health plan. A Catastrophic health plan offers lower-priced coverage that mainly protects you from high medical costs if you get seriously hurt or injured. Learn more about Catastrophic plans.

You must apply for an exemption to qualify. You'll need to submit an application for the exemption and get an Exemption Certificate Number (ECN) to enroll in the "Catastrophic" health plan.

If you’re under 30, you don't need an exemption to enroll in a Catastrophic plan. There are 2 types of exemptions: Affordability and hardship.

Affordability (income-related) exemptions

You can qualify for this exemption if the lowest-priced coverage available to you, through either a Marketplace or job-based plan, would cost more than 7.97% of your household income.

How long do affordability exemptions last?

Hardship exemptions

You can qualify for this exemption if you had a financial hardship or other circumstances that prevented you from getting health insurance.

What counts as a hardship?

How long do hardship exemptions last?

Hardship exemptions usually cover the month before the hardship, the months of the hardship, and the month after the hardship.

But in some cases, the Marketplace may provide the exemption for additional months, up to a full calendar year.

Are there exemptions if I’m unemployed?

No, there’s no exemption based only on employment status. However, you may qualify if you have any of the other hardships listed on this page.