Chatswood public school term dates

What's On - Term 3 , 2024

What's On - Term 3 , 2024

Welcome back to school

Welcome back to another exciting term at Chatswood Public School! We hope that everyone had a safe and happy holiday. Term 3 started with Year 6's 3 day excursion in Canberra and was an experience to remember for a lifetime. This term, various other incursions, excursions and learning opportunities await our Stage 3 students.

Important dates

Week 3

Tuesday 6 August - Year 6 Photo (students are to wear their Year 6 shirt or sport uniform)

Wednesday 7 August - Education Open Day and Book Week Parade

Week 4

Wednesday 14 August - Lian Tanner Author Visit

Friday 16 August - Bullying No Way Day

Week 5

Wednesday 21 August - Spelling Bee Regional Finals

Week 6

Tuesday 27 August - Zone Athletics

Week 7

Check-in assessment week - more information to come in the school newsletter

Wednesday 4 September - Canteen Fun Day

Thursday 5 September - Twilight Concert

Week 8

Friday 13 September - Moon Festival

Week 9

Wednesday 18 September - Friday 20 September - Year 5 Camp

Acknowledgement Of Country Acknowledgement Of Country

Stage 3 Newsletter English, English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D), Mathematics, History, Science, Creative Arts, LOTE, PDH/PE

What's On - Term 3 , 2024