Obtain patients’ consent verbally and note it in the medical record. If you need a signed form, use your patient portal or the mail to get a signature.
- If patients can sign the consent form in your patient portal, ask whether they are able to access the portal. If they are, direct them to staff who can walk them through how to consent online.
- If patients can’t use the patient portal, mail consent forms (one to sign and return, one to keep) and a stamped return envelope, and ask patients to sign and mail back the form.
- You do not need to wait to get a consent form signed. You can have telehealth visits with your patients based on their giving their consent verbally.
Telehealth Consent Teach-back Documentation
Name of Patient: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________
Name of Clinician: _____________________________________________________________
Name of Interpreter: ___________________________________________________________
(If patient does not speak English very well, use an interpreter)
1 st attempt
2 nd attempt
3 rd attempt
4 th attempt